Early Childhood Education (ECE) Scholarships
Apply for funds to access Jewish ECE in Denver and Boulder.

G2 Journey: L’dor VaDor
Explore Jewish family narratives and legacies with your grandchildren and travel to Israel in collaboration with our partner region, Ramat HaNegev.

Israeli Emissaries
Build meaningful and long-lasting personal connections with Israel through experiences with teen and adult emissaries living in Colorado.

Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)
Advocate for Jewish community values, build relationships with public officials, and educate the community-at-large about current issues.

Jewish Explorers
Practice Judaism in meaningful ways through fun, inclusive, and experiential programs designed for Jewish and multifaith families.

Jewish Student Connection (JSC)
Develop deeper connections to Jewish identity, community, and Israeli culture through programs guided by JSC professionals and led by high school students.

JEWISHcolorado Israel & Overseas Center
Participate in a wide variety of opportunities to connect with Israel through JEWISHcolorado.

Joyce Zeff Israel Study Tour (IST)
Travel to Israel and Poland to explore your Jewish heritage and history during a summer of learning and adventure with fellow teens who become lifelong friends.

Mental Health Resources
Review mental health resources offered by JEWISHcolorado in collaboration with BeWell, an initiative of the Jewish Federations of North America.

Mission & Overseas Travel
Experience the impact of JEWISHcolorado’s support for Jewish communities around the globe.

One Happy Camper
Apply for grants for first-time campers who attend overnight camps in Colorado and around the country.

PJ Library
Receive free, award-winning, age-appropriate books that celebrate Jewish values and culture for children from birth through age 12.

Ramat HaNegev Partnership
Fund forward-thinking initiatives in the Negev and cultivate cross-cultural connections between Colorado and Ramat HaNegev, our sister region in Israel.

Real Estate & Construction Network
Network with colleagues in real estate, construction, and related fields and discover ways to positively impact the community.

Women’s Philanthropy
Support programming and philanthropy initiated and led by women in the Colorado Jewish community.

Young Adult Division (YAD)
Learn to live, give, and lead Jewishly in many different ways, surrounded by other young adults and families.