Israel Emergency Resources

On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented land, air, and sea attack on Israel from Gaza, firing more than 2,500 rockets, breaching the country’s borders, killing at least 150 Israelis, injuring more than 1,000, and inflicting significant damage on border communities. The attack came 50 years and a day after the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

In response to this significant and unprovoked attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was at war to defend its sovereignty and its people and gave the order for the IDF to commence “Operation Swords of Iron.”


Historic March for Israel

On November 14, 2023, close to 300,000 people of all faiths and backgrounds thronged to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the March for Israel.

Colorado’s 175-strong delegation—comprised of day school students, teen leaders, community members, Israeli emissaries, JEWISHcolorado board members and staff, and organizational partners—stood united for Israel. Colorado marched for Israel, marched against antisemitism, and marched for the release of hostages. Listen to the voices of our local students as they attended this historic gathering.

Information and Resources

Emergency Numbers

See here for a list of the names of those murdered that have been released so far, and here for a site in Hebrew with the names and photos of fallen soldiers. For infographics with the latest numbers from the conflict, see here.

This site shows a map of the October 7 massacre with a red dot for every person killed and a black dot for every person abducted by Hamas. Clicking on any dot will show the name and picture (if available) of the victim with age and last known location.

This resource provides critical information for family members and friends in Israel who
may be in need of assistance. Please note many of these numbers and apps can only be accessed from within Israel.

* Updated: October 12, 2023


Hotlines for Families of Victims or Missing Persons

  • Hotline for receiving information regarding hostages: 1229
  • Hotline for missing persons (Home Front Command and Israel Police) 105
  • Hotline for missing soldiers: 1111 (extension 5 and then 4)
  • ATAL Equipment Center (Technology and Logistics Division) to report shortages in equipment and food: 052-6156256 (WhatsApp only)

National Emergency Services in Israel

  • Israel Police: 100
  • Israel Police (non-emergency, Information about blocked roads and other information related to the Israel Police without human interaction): 110
  • National Fire and Rescue Authority: 102
  • Ambulance – Magen David Adom: 101
  • United Hatzalah – 1221
  • Israel Electric Company: 103
  • Home Front Command (Pikud Ha’Oref): 104
  • Home Front Command app and website
  • Local authority (municipal or regional council): 106

Israeli HMOs

  • Clalit: 03-7472010 (open 7am – 8pm)
  • Maccabi: *3028 (open 8am – 8pm)
  • Leumit: 054-9292273/2 (open 8am – 8pm)
  • Meuhedet: *3833 (open 8am – 7pm)
  • Terem Medical Centers for after-hours medical assistance

Mental Health Assistance

  • Natal trauma hotline: 1-800-363-363
  • Eran emotional first aid: *1201 Hebrew, Arabic (extension 2), English (extension 10), Russian (extension 3), Soldiers and their families (extension 5), Holocaust survivors (extension 4)
  • Israel Ministry of Education’s emotional help line: *6552 (ext. 5)
  • Havinenu psychological assistance and support hotline for religious and ultra-Orthodox: *3251

Useful Resources

  • English-speaking hotline for parents of Lone Soldiers: 1-201-605-7440
  • Hotline for senior citizens: *8840
  • Yad Sarah medical lending services: *6444
  • Yedidim for emergency roadside assistance connected with the current war: 077-6001240 (1230 for non-war-related issues)
  • Haverim L’erfuah – essential medicines and Medical equipment
  • Betipulnet (Hebrew only) portal for psychological services with information and links to professionals
  • BetterHelp mental health platform provides online mental health services directly to clients, up to 6 months of therapy at no cost for individuals who have been impacted by the war in Israel.
  • Jordan River Village, a respite village for children with life-limiting conditions, is extending a hand to evacuees. Families are invited to fill out their details in this form.
How do donations help?

Jewish Federations of North America’s Israel Emergency Fund has surpassed $780 million, close to $350 million of which has already been allocated to the most pressing needs on the ground through 116 partner organizations and NGOs. Read more and click here for the latest allocations report.

These funds are being put to a slew of immediate and urgent needs, such as:

  • Basic Needs
  • Evacuation, Transport, Housing, Activities
  • Fund for Victims of Terror
  • Respite
  • Frontline Communities
  • Special Populations
  • Trauma Relief / Psychosocial Support
  • Emergency Medicine & Healthcare Volunteers
  • Mid-to-long term needs

See these resources by Jewish Federations that give insight into some areas of Federations’ emergency allocations:

Missions and Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteers from Overseas

JFNA has provided this resource to find volunteer opportunities in Israel. Additional opportunities include:

  • Birthright Israel has opened a volunteering program where people from outside of Israel can come to Tel Aviv and take part in food rescue operations to prevent shortages in the Israeli market, including work to sort, pack and distribute goods for civil and military personnel.
  • Sar-El, The National Project for Volunteers for Israel, runs programs for volunteers on Israel Defense Force bases, focusing on logistical support.
  • In the event of further strains on the health system, Nefesh B’Nefesh, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, will activate to bring people to
    Israel. They are actively collecting names of doctors who would be willing to volunteer should the need arise.
  • Nurses and paramedics from abroad looking to volunteer can visit the MOH website and submit their information there.

We have received many questions from medical professionals seeking to volunteer. As of now, Israel is not experiencing a shortage of medical professionals due to the conflict. In the event of further strains on the health system, Nefesh B’Nefesh, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, will activate to bring people to Israel. They are actively collecting names of doctors who would be willing to volunteer should the need arise.

Nurses and paramedics from abroad looking to volunteer can visit the MOH website and submit their information there.

We will update as more information about opportunities for foreign volunteers becomes available.

Public Officials and Community Leaders: Statements of Support

Statements from Colorado Leaders

“I am horrified and heartbroken by last Saturday’s massacre in Israel. To my constituents who have ties there, I am so sorry for your pain and loss. Violence against innocent people is never acceptable. I believe the Israeli government has the right and responsibility to respond to these barbaric attacks by Hamas terrorists. I hope the war is as limited as possible, and that every effort will be made to move back towards a process of peace.”
– Representative Judy Amabile

“We must support each other as a community in Colorado and stand firmly with our ally, Israel. I stand with our ally Israel and will do everything in my power to make sure it has the resources to defend itself.”
– Senator Michael Bennet

“I stand with Israel and condemn all acts of terrorism. One of the highlights of my life was visiting Israel last year. The people and the history will stay with me forever.  Shalom.”
– Senate Majority Caucus Chair Janet Buckner

“I know I join so many in our community in horror and grief about the situation in Israel. The terrorist actions of Hamas must be condemned in the strongest terms.

I’m heartbroken by these senseless acts of violence, and my heart is also with the American nationals who have been harmed by these attacks. Our community and the United States stands solidly behind the Israeli people and all who have been impacted.”
– Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo

“Colorado stands with Israel. The horrifying and unprecedented attacks this past weekend are heartbreaking and intolerable. I will work to ensure Congress responds rapidly to provide Israel with the resources needed to defend itself.”
– Congressman Jason Crow

“We can do something bipartisan in Congress if it comes to Israel. To give Israel everything it needs. To make sure that we are together and that we are together in this fight against terrorism.”
– Congresswoman Diana DeGette  

“My heart is breaking for Israel, and for all the families who are suffering and who will suffer more in the days and weeks to come. The politics of Israel can be complicated at times, but what isn’t complicated is condemning violence and the killing of innocent people, no matter who they are. My thoughts are with the families across Israel who are now in harms way, and I am praying for an end to the bloodshed and for a future where Israeli and Palestinian families can peacefully coexist.”
– Senate President Steve Fenberg

“I am dismayed by the escalation of violence and the deadly attacks against the Israeli people. I condemn this act of war by Hamas and will continue to stand in solidarity with Israel.”
– Senator Chris Hansen

“House Democratic leadership condemns in the strongest terms the abhorrent terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. Our hearts break for the innocent people murdered and brutally kidnapped in this calculated and violent attack on the Jewish people. We are devastated by the loss of life in Israel and in Gaza and urge Hamas to end this violence now. We send our deepest condolences to the families of the victims.”
– House Democrat Leadership

“This heinous attack on the people of Israel, and by extension all of us who stand with them, must be understood for what it is –– evil. My heart breaks in this moment with those suffering, loss and fear. Our resolve to root out, such acts of inhumanity must never waver or bend.”
– Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen

“As Chair of the Board of Trustees of the HinduTemple and Cultural Center of Colorado, I would like to share our shock and sadness at the terrorists’ atrocities in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with innocent victims and their families. Hindus and Jews have much in common, including long periods of suffering, even Genocide. We stand firmly and unequivocally with Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters.”
– Ved P. Nanda
Distinguished University Professor
Director, The Ved Nanda Center for Int’l & Comp. Law
University of Denver College of Law
Honorary Professor, Univ. of Delhi

“I strongly condemn the violent, horrific and abhorrent terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. My wife Andrea and I are heartbroken at the terrible and tragic loss of innocent life in Israel, and we join in mourning the loss of so many. In this moment of unspeakable heartbreak and tragedy, I am grateful to the JCRC for organizing tonight’s community vigil at Temple Emanuel, and for the opportunity to join so many Coloradans as we pray together for the victims and their families. The United States will continue to stand steadfastly with our ally Israel, and we will continue to support them and their right to defend itself and its people.”
– Congressman Joe Neguse

“I am more than concerned about the bombing of our Israeli allies. We, in the Christian community, recognize the importance of the relationship we have as a nation and as a faith community with Israel. We stand united in our prayers for the nation Israel and all who exercise freedom. We also recognize the perceived weakening of our Democracy here in the US by the historic political divide that we’ve witnessed. And we recognize how the divide may have given Israel’s enemies the idea that the US is unprepared to defend our friends. But, we as a people are strong and resilient and we are still the United States of America. In times such as this, as history will prove, we have and always will put aside our differences and stand against the evils of the world and the enemies of Democracy. The Christian community will continue to pray without ceasing for God’s people Israel.”
– Pastor Thomas Mayes

“As an Israeli and a Jew, it’s hard to put into words the pain, fear, and rage that myself and my family both here and in Israel feel. The wanton murder of hundreds of Jewish families is a terrible tragedy, and I am appalled and heartbroken by these horrific acts of violence. I am praying for peace. But until that day arrives, I will continue to stand for Israel, and for the right of the Israeli people to defend themselves and their ancestral homeland.”
– Senator Dafna Michaelson Jenet

“It breaks my heart to see the senseless acts of violence being committed by these terrorists towards the people of Israel. What we are seeing is wrong and indefensible. I wholeheartedly stand with Israel. May peace come soon.”
– Senator Kyle Mullica

“History has shown us what happens when we stay silent in the face of terror, and tonight we raise our voices to condemn these attacks and call for and end to this violence.” (Read his full remarks here.)
– Governor Jared Polis

“I’m outraged by the gruesome onslaught on Israel by Hamas. Although the Palestinians’ claims certainly cannot be ignored I stand with Israel 🙏🏽.”
– Representative Naquetta Ricks

“The heinous attack on the people of Israel, and by extension all of us who stand with them, must be understood for what it is –– evil. Our hearts break in this moment with those suffering enormous loss. We are also deeply troubled by the silence from those who have actively chosen to not condemn the horrific acts of violence by Hamas this week on Israel. No one should ever be silent when terrorist acts occur – to be silent is to be complicit. We stand together against terrorism and towards peace and stability in Israel. We Stand with Israel.”
– Colorado Senate Republicans

“I’m grateful to be with community tonight as we condemn the horrific attack on the Israeli people Saturday. We’ve learned over and over again that terrorism and militarism and their horrible consequences are not solutions to disputes on either side of this horrible conflict. This devastating cycle of violence and retaliation must stop.”
– Representative Emily Sirota

“Coloradans must stand united with the people of Israel and against barbaric acts of terror against innocent human beings. We take a moment today to mourn the lives lost and pray for the safety of those in Israel.”
– Representative Ron Weinberg

“Like many Americans, I am struggling to come to grips with the violence, pain, and loss of life in Israel. Stated plainly, Hamas and its supporters are not pursuing peace or a two-state solution; they are advocating an end to the State of Israel and justifying murder and hostage-taking to that end. Israel has a right to defend itself. At this painful time, we must condemn terrorism and stand with Israel.” (Read Phil Weiser’s full remarks here.)
– Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser

“This is devastating. Our hearts are absolutely broken. Nothing can excuse these horrific acts of terrorism. Today and every day, am Yisrael chai.”
– Representative Steven Woodrow

Resources for Parents, Children, Students, and Educators

Educators and Youth Professionals:


Parents, Teens, and Kids


On College Campuses:


At this time, the Duty Desk is not aware of any threats to the Jewish community in North America but is actively monitoring for any potential Hamas sympathizers that may consider taking action against Jewish facilities domestically. Past events in the Middle East have served as a catalyst for protests, targeted action, and acts of violence against Jewish institutions and community members. SCN recommends that Jewish facilities ensure their security protocols are in place, and both state and local law enforcement are cognizant of the potential for an international event to have domestic implications. SCN will continue to work with its security partners in the Jewish community and established law enforcement partners to monitor this rapidly developing threat landscape.




Updates and Communications





Other Updates and Resources

  • The Council for a Secure America produced this excellent resource to understand the state of play in the Gaza conflict.
Watch and Listen

March for Israel

Watch the full program

Watch program highlights

Hear from Colorado teens who attended


Emergency Briefing with Haviv Rettig Gur

From Our Colorado Shinshinim

JNF Global Conference for Israel

Historic March for Israel

Israel At War: In the Beginning There Was The World | Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

Israel Opera: Bring Him Home

Israel Philharmonic

  • Playing for families evacuated to a hotel: To view videos, click here and here, To view photos, click here.
  • In one especially moving performance, at Soroka Medical Center, musicians played for Avida Bachar, a member of Kibbutz Be’eri who survived the attack but suffered a leg amputation and lost his wife and son. To view the video, click here.
  • Playing for peace: Horn player Hagai Shalom plays “Oseh Shalom,” or “He Who Makes Peace,” a prayer for peace and unity for the Jewish people, in the dark and empty Charles Bronfman Auditorium. To view the video, click here.
  • “Salute to Israel” — This special concert was broadcast live on Oct. 22 in an empty hall with only the images of all hostages ‘looking’ at the musicians from the seats in the first rows. The musicians performed Israel’s national anthem, Paul Ben-Haim’s “Fanfare to Israel” and Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony, “Eroica.” Music Director Lahav Shani addressed viewers with a moving speech (full text below). The concert has received more than 150,000 views in Israel and around the world. To watch the full live stream, click here.

October 18: Israel Update with Ramat HaNegev Mayor Eran Doron

October 17: Unity in Crisis: Emergency Leadership Mission for Israel

October 12: SCN National Update on Domestic Security: Guidance Amidst Hamas Terrorist Attacks On Israel

October 9: Pray for Peace in Israel: A Community Vigil

October 8: Israel Update from JEWISHcolorado

We’ve Lost So much. Let Us Not Lose Our Damn Minds | Rabbi Sharon Brous


Adapting: Jewish Educators on the Gronlines in the War of Ideas

Shalom Hartman Institute: A Nation That Can’t Sleep

Shalom Hartman Institute: Resilience and Ingenuity in Crisis

Shalom Hartman Institute: Israel at War – Day Three – How Did This Happen?

What Matters Now to Micah Goodman: Vow to stand with Israel when it fires back

What can I do?


  • Please continue to donate to the Emergency Fund. Our partners on the ground have made it clear that at the current moment the most pressing need is money to help buy humanitarian supplies. While we are working on other ways to support the communities devastated by this act of terrorism, the most impactful thing you can do now is to donate directly. Neither JEWISHcolorado nor JFNA are taking any administrative fees, meaning that 100% of all money raised through the emergency fund will go directly to those who need it most.


  • Sign this action alert to thank your elected officials for supporting Israel
  • Sign this action alert urging Congress to provide urgent security funding for Jewish community institutions
  • Jews of Color can take action to urge their members of Congress to support the supplemental budget request, which provides emergency security assistance to Israel and American Jewish community institutions.
  • Wear a blue ribbon—and get as many other people as possible to do the same—in support of the hostages and their families. Learn more here and use the hashtag #BlueRibbonsforIsrael.



  • Students and educators are invited to show support and solidarity by sending messages of deep caring. Learn more here and submit your letters here.
  • Several people wanted to connect with a soldier to offer support and care. There are several sites to send instant letters, and one is where your letter will be sent to a soldier on the frontlines.
Who supported the match?

A group of JEWISHcolorado donors have stepped forward to offer a dollar-for-dollar match up to $650,000 for donations to the Israel Emergency Fund. The match was launched by Barry and Gay Curtiss-Lusher from a shelter in a Tel Aviv Hotel and JEWISHcolorado Board Chair Ben Lusher and his wife Nicole. Thanks to the many who have joined them:

$250,000 +
David and Laura Merage Foundation

$50,000 +
Diana Zeff Anderson
Singer Family Foundation
Jonathan Merage Foundation
Sabrina Merage Foundation

$20,000 +
Lusher / Curtis-Lusher families
Feiner Family Foundation
Bender West Foundation
Hal Berenson & Laura Ackerman

$15,000 +
Charlie Gwirtsman & Nancy Reichman

$10,000 +
Joel & Tiffany Appel
Schlafer Family Foundation
Steve Morris & Amy Morris
Michael & Susan Gordon
Celeste Grynberg
Gary Kleiman & Elisa Moran

$1,800 +
Jeff & Terri Auerbach
Joey & Avery Friedman
Jimmy & Wendy Miller
Steven & Debra Weinstein
Rob Kaufmann & Jen Gilbert-Kaufmann

*This list represents donors who committed to the initial pool of Emergency funds to be matched. *As of 10/8/23