"Why the Jews" A 2-part look at the long history of Anti Semitism

tue12mar6:30 pmtue8:30 pm"Why the Jews" A 2-part look at the long history of Anti Semitism


March 12, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-07:00)



560 South Monaco St Pky, Denver 80230

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Part 2 of the series

Antisemitism is not new and unfortunately is on the rise across the world. Our Jewish community continues to educate and equip ourselves (and our children) with the tools to recognize, fight, and work to prevent antisemitism. Denver JDS is proud to bring renowned Holocaust scholar, Brendan Murphy, to Denver for two nights of study on “Why Always the Jews”: A two-part multimedia look at the long and tragic history of antisemitism. Through images, texts, and historical data, Mr. Murphy presents a compelling lecture that shows the truth about antisemitism in our time and ages past. Adults and high school students alike will find much to learn from this series. You can register (quickly) by clicking this link: https://www.denverjds.org/why-the-jews-event-24.

Mr Murphy has taught history for 30 years at The Marist School, an independent Catholic college preparatory school in Atlanta, GA. Mr. Murphy has received numerous awards for his work including: the Outstanding Educator Award (Anne Frank Center in New York), the Abe Goldstein Human Relations Award and Unsung Hero Award (Anti-Defamation League), Goizueta Chair of Excellence Award (Marist School), Faber-McKinley-Stadler Award, the Frank Hagan Memorial Award, the Distinguished Service Award (Georgia Independent School Association), the Educator of the Year (University of Notre Dame), and in 2009 and 2016 the Georgia Outstanding Educator of the Year (Georgia Commission on the Holocaust). Mr Murphy is also a Museum Teacher Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, and a Lerner Fellow at the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous in New York.

The event is generously sponsored by the Sonenreich and Morris Families, and hosted in the Main Sanctuary at BMH-BJ.

Space is limited and tickets are required. This is a two-part event, the first part taking place on March 11th, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, and the second part taking place on March 12th, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Your registration will include both evenings.

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