Shabbat Shalom: Gathering Together

May 2, 2024 | Article

By: Renée Rockford
President & CEO

This is a special Shabbat for us as JEWISHcolorado welcomes back the Israeli Emissaries or Shlichim who have been part of our community for the past quarter century. The Shlichim, through a partnership with the Jewish Agency, provide a living connection to Israel by promoting Israeli experiences, facilitating Jewish social activism, and speaking authentically about faith and culture. They are Israeli role models who become part of the fabric of our community, and this weekend, we welcome back Itai Divinsky, Osnat Fox, Raz Arbel, Shaul Amir, and Noam Dahary.

The Talmud teaches that one who has not seen a good friend in over a month should recite a special blessing—the shehecheyanu blessing— upon seeing them again. If an entire year has gone by since one last saw such a friend, one recites the blessing “mechaye hameitim”—as if someone was brought back to life.

We have just wrapped up the holiday of Passover; the celebration of freedom “from” slavery. As we count our way and head towards Shavuot, when we became a nation committed to ethics and a shared story, we shift toward freedom “through.” Which is to say, freedom through care, ethics, and responsibility. Our freedom isn’t complete until we have that relationship with God, that relationship as a peoplehood, as a nation, and as a nation committed to values. Recall that the Torah was received “with one heart,” all the people were united. And at a time when the world feels disconnected, it is even more meaningful to gather together.

I hope you’ll find time to connect, join us on Sunday at Am Yisrael Chai: A Celebrate Israel event to be together, and to reconnect with one another and with our Shlichim.

Please email Renée Rockford at with questions or comments.