Public Officials and Community Leaders: Statements of Support

Oct 10, 2023 | Article, Emergency, JCRC

Public Officials and Community Leaders: Statements of Support

Oct 10, 2023

Recent Statements from Colorado Leaders

“On Monday, I had my latest night of this session in House Finance. Over 110 witnesses testified on HB24-1169, Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law. The bill sponsor said this bill was only about PERA, yet her words and the testimony of supporters show it is so much more than that. HB24-1169 is about anti-semitism and anti-Israel sentiments, while pushing a pro-terror erasure of the Jewish state.

“This bill is personal to me. My son in law is a Ukrainian Jew whose family fled Ukraine and Russia when he was 3. He was raised by his grandfather, a concentration camp survivor.  While I typically believe in giving grace, I personally witnessed the extreme behavior of the bill sponsor during the special session –that brought disgrace to the House Chamber. Her motives are extraordinarily clear and HB24-1169 is about conflating, not PERA. Ultimately, all but one Representative saw through Rep. Epps’ sham and her self serving showcase.”House Finance Committee member Representative Lisa Frizzell’s comments about HB24-1169 from her constituent newsletter


Statements on the October 7 Attacks

“I am horrified and heartbroken by last Saturday’s massacre in Israel. To my constituents who have ties there, I am so sorry for your pain and loss. Violence against innocent people is never acceptable. I believe the Israeli government has the right and responsibility to respond to these barbaric attacks by Hamas terrorists. I hope the war is as limited as possible, and that every effort will be made to move back towards a process of peace.”
– Representative Judy Amabile


“We must support each other as a community in Colorado and stand firmly with our ally, Israel. I stand with our ally Israel and will do everything in my power to make sure it has the resources to defend itself.”
– Senator Michael Bennet


“I stand with Israel and condemn all acts of terrorism. One of the highlights of my life was visiting Israel last year. The people and the history will stay with me forever.  Shalom.”
– Senate Majority Caucus Chair Janet Buckner


“I know I join so many in our community in horror and grief about the situation in Israel. The terrorist actions of Hamas must be condemned in the strongest terms.

I’m heartbroken by these senseless acts of violence, and my heart is also with the American nationals who have been harmed by these attacks. Our community and the United States stands solidly behind the Israeli people and all who have been impacted.”
– Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo


“Colorado stands with Israel. The horrifying and unprecedented attacks this past weekend are heartbreaking and intolerable. I will work to ensure Congress responds rapidly to provide Israel with the resources needed to defend itself.”
– Congressman Jason Crow


“My heart is breaking for Israel, and for all the families who are suffering and who will suffer more in the days and weeks to come. The politics of Israel can be complicated at times, but what isn’t complicated is condemning violence and the killing of innocent people, no matter who they are. My thoughts are with the families across Israel who are now in harms way, and I am praying for an end to the bloodshed and for a future where Israeli and Palestinian families can peacefully coexist.”
– Senate President Steve Fenberg


“I am dismayed by the escalation of violence and the deadly attacks against the Israeli people. I condemn this act of war by Hamas and will continue to stand in solidarity with Israel.”
– Senator Chris Hansen


“This heinous attack on the people of Israel, and by extension all of us who stand with them, must be understood for what it is –– evil. My heart breaks in this moment with those suffering, loss and fear. Our resolve to root out, such acts of inhumanity must never waver or bend.”
– Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen


“As Chair of the Board of Trustees of the HinduTemple and Cultural Center of Colorado, I would like to share our shock and sadness at the terrorists’ atrocities in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with innocent victims and their families. Hindus and Jews have much in common, including long periods of suffering, even Genocide. We stand firmly and unequivocally with Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters.”
– Ved P. Nanda
Distinguished University Professor
Director, The Ved Nanda Center for Int’l & Comp. Law
University of Denver College of Law
Honorary Professor, Univ. of Delhi


“I strongly condemn the violent, horrific and abhorrent terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. My wife Andrea and I are heartbroken at the terrible and tragic loss of innocent life in Israel, and we join in mourning the loss of so many. In this moment of unspeakable heartbreak and tragedy, I am grateful to the JCRC for organizing tonight’s community vigil at Temple Emanuel, and for the opportunity to join so many Coloradans as we pray together for the victims and their families. The United States will continue to stand steadfastly with our ally Israel, and we will continue to support them and their right to defend itself and its people.”
– Congressman Joe Neguse


“I am more than concerned about the bombing of our Israeli allies. We, in the Christian community, recognize the importance of the relationship we have as a nation and as a faith community with Israel. We stand united in our prayers for the nation Israel and all who exercise freedom. We also recognize the perceived weakening of our Democracy here in the US by the historic political divide that we’ve witnessed. And we recognize how the divide may have given Israel’s enemies the idea that the US is unprepared to defend our friends. But, we as a people are strong and resilient and we are still the United States of America. In times such as this, as history will prove, we have and always will put aside our differences and stand against the evils of the world and the enemies of Democracy. The Christian community will continue to pray without ceasing for God’s people Israel.”
– Pastor Thomas Mayes


“As an Israeli and a Jew, it’s hard to put into words the pain, fear, and rage that myself and my family both here and in Israel feel. The wanton murder of hundreds of Jewish families is a terrible tragedy, and I am appalled and heartbroken by these horrific acts of violence. I am praying for peace. But until that day arrives, I will continue to stand for Israel, and for the right of the Israeli people to defend themselves and their ancestral homeland.”
– Senator Dafna Michaelson Jenet


“It breaks my heart to see the senseless acts of violence being committed by these terrorists towards the people of Israel. What we are seeing is wrong and indefensible. I wholeheartedly stand with Israel. May peace come soon.”
– Senator Kyle Mullica


“I’m outraged by the gruesome onslaught on Israel by Hamas. Although the Palestinians’ claims certainly cannot be ignored I stand with Israel 🙏🏽.”
– Representative Naquetta Ricks


“I’m grateful to be with community tonight as we condemn the horrific attack on the Israeli people Saturday. We’ve learned over and over again that terrorism and militarism and their horrible consequences are not solutions to disputes on either side of this horrible conflict. This devastating cycle of violence and retaliation must stop.”
– Representative Emily Sirota


“Coloradans must stand united with the people of Israel and against barbaric acts of terror against innocent human beings. We take a moment today to mourn the lives lost and pray for the safety of those in Israel.”
– Representative Ron Weinberg


“Like many Americans, I am struggling to come to grips with the violence, pain, and loss of life in Israel. Stated plainly, Hamas and its supporters are not pursuing peace or a two-state solution; they are advocating an end to the State of Israel and justifying murder and hostage-taking to that end. Israel has a right to defend itself. At this painful time, we must condemn terrorism and stand with Israel.”
– Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser


“This is devastating. Our hearts are absolutely broken. Nothing can excuse these horrific acts of terrorism. Today and every day, am Yisrael chai.”
– Representative Steven Woodrow


“House Democratic leadership condemns in the strongest terms the abhorrent terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. Our hearts break for the innocent people murdered and brutally kidnapped in this calculated and violent attack on the Jewish people. We are devastated by the loss of life in Israel and in Gaza and urge Hamas to end this violence now. We send our deepest condolences to the families of the victims.”
– House Democrat Leadership


“The heinous attack on the people of Israel, and by extension all of us who stand with them, must be understood for what it is –– evil. Our hearts break in this moment with those suffering enormous loss. We are also deeply troubled by the silence from those who have actively chosen to not condemn the horrific acts of violence by Hamas this week on Israel. No one should ever be silent when terrorist acts occur – to be silent is to be complicit. We stand together against terrorism and towards peace and stability in Israel. We Stand with Israel.”
– Colorado Senate Republicans


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