Israeli Emissaries

People-to-People Connections

Through the Israeli emissaries who live in our community year-round, we build a “living bridge”—a solid, ongoing foundation of understanding and support that goes in two directions—from Israel to Colorado and from Colorado to Israel.

All our Israeli emissaries—adult Shlichim and teenage Shinshinim—are part of a larger program run by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI).

Support this or any JEWISHcolorado program or initiative by using our Donation Form and choosing your preferred designation. 

Get More Info

For more information about our Teen Israeli Emissaries (Shinshinim) program, please contact:

Michelle Ruby, MARE, RJE
Director of Israel Teen Emissaries and Education

Israeli Emissaries News

My Israeli Story: Discovering Roots with Yuval Tamir

My Israeli Story: Discovering Roots with Yuval Tamir

"My Israeli Story", a project by the JEWISHcolorado's Israel & Overseas Center, offers our ...
This is My Israeli Story: Yeara Samoha

This is My Israeli Story: Yeara Samoha

"My Israeli Story", a project by the JEWISHcolorado's Israel & Overseas Center, offers our ...
Meet the man leading Nitzana, and see how you can help.

Meet the man leading Nitzana, and see how you can help.

For many years, the people of Colorado have supported The Nitzana Educational Community in the ...

Emissary | Shlicha

JEWISHcolorado’s Senior Israeli Emissary is an ambassador who helps build meaningful and lasting connections between our community and Israel during a three-year residency in Colorado.

Our Shlicha, Nelly Ben Tal, provides educational programming, facilitates community dialogue, develops innovative partnerships, offers guidance for travel to Israel, and serves as an advocate for Israel in both the Jewish and broader community.

Connect with Nelly Ben Tal by email at 

Ben Tal family
2024-2025 Shinshinim

Teen Emissaries | Shinshinim

Every year, JEWISHcolorado welcomes four post-high school teens (Shinshinim) from Israel who offer their talents within our community for 10 months.

The Shinshinim represent the best of Israel’s youth. In Colorado, they serve synagogues and day schools, youth movements, high school clubs, supplementary schools, and other Jewish agencies and organizations as informal educators and facilitators, sharing their energy, ideas, and love of Israel.

Email Michelle Ruby at to learn more. 

Host Family Information

Host families play a key role in the Shinshin experience. Hosting is an important and meaningful experience for everyone—our Israeli Shinshinim, your family, and the Jewish community here in Denver.

JEWISHcolorado shinshinim 2022
2023-2024 Shinshim

Shinshinim Community Partners

Interested in having Shinshinim in your institution? Join JEWISHcolorado as a community partner.

Our Shinshinim work with all age groups from preschool to adult groups. They are available to spend time on a regular basis in your classrooms, at your programs, with Chavurot, and youth group activities. Partner with JEWISHcolorado to make  memorable connections to Israel!

Email Michelle Ruby at to partner with us.