Lion of Judah 50th Anniversary Luncheon: The Sweet Taste of Success

May 5, 2022 | Article

Lion of Judah 50th Anniversary Luncheon: The Sweet Taste of Success

May 5, 2022

JEWISHcolorado was proud to welcome JFNA National Chair of Women’s Philanthropy Carolyn Gitlin to the Denver metro area. Gitlin, who had just returned from a visit to the Ukrainian border, spoke about Denver and Boulder as a flourishing Jewish community and shared the work of Federation—of which JEWISHcolorado has been a part—to help serve and settle refugees fleeing their homes and seeking shelter where they can find it.  

Gitlin spoke in particular about the impact of women, in their own rights, are having as both owners of the philanthropic process and as important decision-makers in philanthropy in general. Of note, Gitlin remarked, across the Federation system, Women’s Philanthropy raises more than $200 million annually.

Apropos the impressive philanthropic contributions represented in the Lion-filled room alone, to say nothing of the collective generosity of JEWISHcolorado givers, Gitlin said, “You are building and supporting Jewish life today and for days to come.”

A fact for which our Lions can take justifiable pride.

If you are interested in becoming involved in JEWISHcolorado Women’s Philanthropy, please contact Roberta Witkow at