Leading Jewish Organizations Respond to Significant Cuts to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program

Mar 27, 2024 | Article, JCRC, Newsletter, Press Release

We want to applaud our local lawmakers and Governor Polis for prioritizing funding for the state nonprofit security grant program which the JCRC created through the passage of HB22-1077. In December, the JCRC worked closely with members of the Joint Budget Committee to approve $1M of emergency one-time funding for Colorado’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Since this funding was approved, 21 new organizations were awarded funding and another 9 organizations who previously received partial funding received the full funding they requested. This includes 8 Jewish organizations. In February, we again partnered with the legislature to direct an additional $906,591 towards this critical grant program. This funding is included as part of the Colorado General Assembly’s FY 2024-2025 budget, HB24-1430 which was just introduced this week and is making its way through the legislative process. The extra support from the state is all the more important with the cuts to the federal nonprofit security grant program.

Read below for more information regarding the federal cuts.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a joint statement released today, the Secure Community Network (SCN), Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), and the Orthodox Union (OU) expressed deep concern over Congress’s decision to slash funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) by $30.5 million for fiscal year 2024. These organizations, at the forefront of advocating for and securing NSGP funds for faith-based institutions, underscore the impact of this reduction on the safety and security of communities across the United States. In a joint statement, SCN, ADL, AJC, The Conference of Presidents, JFNA, and OU said the following:

“The cut in NSGP funding presents a significant challenge to the safety and security of our communities at a time when threats to religious and nonprofit organizations are at a record high. These funds are not just grants; they are lifelines that have fortified vital institutions against hate and violence. The security measures these funds have supported at Jewish facilities across the country have saved lives and prevented tragedy. Together, we urge Congress to prioritize additional funding to make the NSGP program whole. Any national security supplemental must include funding for NSGP and there must be increased funding for NSGP in the FY2025 appropriations bill. At the same time, we continue to encourage faith-based and nonprofit organizations to respond to this challenge with strong applications.”

Since its inception, the NSGP has played a pivotal role in enhancing the physical security of Jewish facilities and facilities across faith-based communities that are at increased risk of being targeted by hate, violence, and terrorism. These funds have provided critical support for security enhancements such as surveillance cameras, fortified entry points, and emergency preparedness training. In the last two years alone, at-risk Jewish institutions and facilities have seen a substantial increase in funding, directly contributing to the safety and resilience of communities across the country.

The NSGP’s importance has grown in the wake of the horrific events of the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, emphasizing the need for robust security measures in vulnerable communities as incidents against the Jewish community rise across the U.S. The collaborative efforts of SCN, ADL, AJC, The Conference of Presidents, JFNA, and OU have been instrumental in advocating for and expanding the NSGP since its establishment. These organizations have worked tirelessly to ensure that faith-based and nonprofit organizations have the resources and knowledge to protect themselves and their members. As the competition for NSGP funds undoubtedly intensifies due to this budget cut, our collective call to action underscores the importance of preparedness, high-quality application submissions, and the continued advocacy for the protection of all communities against hate and violence.