2020 Christmas Mitzvah Project: Kindness for Kindness’ Sake
Thank you!
This year, over the three days of the 25th annual Christmas Mitzvah Project, you assembled 385 Women’s Dignity Project health and hygiene kits, 400 animal welfare kits, 450 self-care kits for frontline service workers, 450 meal kits for those facing food insecurity, 450 boredom buster kits for people facing social isolation, and 450 kits for those experiencing homelessness.
You decorated 400 bags for Project Angel Heart, made hundreds of fleece scarves and blankets, and packed over 18,000 meals. And thanks to you, hundreds of staff and volunteers at local hospitals, assisted living facilities, shelters, and nonprofit organizations were able to enjoy Christmas with family and friends.
More about the 2020 Christmas Mitzvah Project in the news

Despite COVID-19, “Christmas Mitzvah Project” continues holiday volunteer tradition | By: Micah Smith