JEWISHcolorado delegation joins nearly 300,000 for Washington, D.C. March

Nov 17, 2023 | Article, Newsletter

JEWISHcolorado delegation joins nearly 300,000 for Washington, D.C. March

Nov 17, 2023

The day after the historic November 14 March for Israel in Washington, D.C., JEWISHcolorado received multiple thank-you messages.

“Unbelievable effort. Thanks for all your hard work.”

“Thank you JEWISHcolorado for this opportunity. Truly one of the most meaningful experiences ever.”

“Once in a generation opportunity to participate. Thank you JEWISHcolorado and all for organizing.”

“It was such an inspiring day that I will NEVER forget! Thanks for letting me be part of U.S. history!”

This outpouring of gratitude was directed at JEWISHcolorado for its actions convening a 175-member delegation—including day school students, teen leaders, community members, Israeli emissaries, JEWISHcolorado board members and staff, and organizational partners—to show their support for Israel in Washington, D.C.

Members of the Colorado delegation at March for Israel

The Colorado delegation joined nearly 300,000 people of all faiths and backgrounds on the National Mall to march for Israel, march against antisemitism, and march for the release of the hostages. It was the largest pro-Israel gathering in U.S. history.

JEWISHcolorado’s delegation included adults and nearly two dozen college and high school students who flew to the nation’s capital together in a whirlwind one-day trip. For the students in particular this was a life-changing event, as evidenced by their comments as they returned home.

“This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show support for Israel and to stand up against antisemitism. It was incredible to see both the diversity and unity that exists among the Jewish people. It was especially empowering to get to represent my community and other Jewish teens from Colorado.”

Colorado teens at March for Israel

“It was amazing to see all these people who support the same cause I support, who love me, who believe the same things I do. There were all these people wearing Israel’s flag, speaking Hebrew, and singing together. It just shows we are not alone. We are all in this together.”

“It was the most Jews I have seen in one place. I have never felt more proud to be who I am and to be Jewish.”

Speakers at the March

The roster of speakers at the March for Israel represented a wide range of influential voices from Israel and the United States, including the President of Israel, political leaders from both parties in the U.S., media personalities, entertainers from both countries, family members of hostages, students from campuses that are seeing a rise in antisemitism, and leaders of the Jewish community. They raised their voices in unison to stand with the one and only Jewish state, condemn all forms of anti-Jewish hate, and demand the release of every hostage held by Hamas.

Crowd at March for Israel in Washington DC

“Eighty years ago, Jews came out of Auschwitz and vowed never again. As the blue and white flag was hoisted over our ancient homeland, we vowed never again. Forty days ago, a terrorist army invaded the sovereign state of Israel and butchered hundreds upon hundreds of Israelis in the largest massacre since the Holocaust. Let us cry out together: “Never again, never again, never again is now.”
President Isaac Herzog

“I don’t want any Jewish mother to be afraid here to drop her baby off at the JCC. I don’t want that. I don’t want any Jewish son to be afraid to leave his dorm room and go to the Hillel Center for a meal. And I don’t want any rabbi tonight to have to go and buy an extra can of white paint just to be able to paint over a swastika on a synagogue tomorrow morning here in the United States. And I definitely don’t want any Jewish daughter, which I just learned, to change her name in her rideshare app because she’s afraid for her driver to know that she’s Jewish. That should not be happening here. That should not be happening.”
Van Jones, CNN

Members of the Colorado delegation at March for Israel

“Our stories as Americans and as Jews may be written in different languages, but their arcs are one and the same. Our ancestors risked everything to re-establish themselves in America, a country they dreamed would be free of Jew hatred. Unfortunately, that dream has not yet been realized. However, one thing has changed. We will not retreat or flee. We can fight with our voices, our votes and our feet and we will because we know that the future of our country and the future of our people are inextricably intertwined. God bless America and Ami Raha.”
Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh, Associate Director, Global Programming at Milken Institute

“I can tell you without hesitation, regardless of party or political persuasion at the White House or in the Congress, at home and abroad, this government stands shoulder to shoulder against Jew hatred. We stand arm in arm to combat antisemitism, wherever it hides or attempts to reside. Today in America we give antisemitism no sanction, no foothold, no tolerance. Not on campus, not in grade school, not in our neighborhoods, not in the streets of our cities, not in our government, nowhere, not now, not ever.”
Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism

Members of the Colorado delegation at March for Israel

“History shows that when antisemitism rears its ugly head, if it’s not dealt with forcefully and directly, it grows into deadly, a deadly force. But my friends, history reminds us also of one thing, that even in its darkest days, the United States has always stood with Israel and we will do everything to see that. That never ever changes.”
U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer

“Israeli hostages were kidnapped in their homes by barbaric Hamas terrorists for simply being Jewish and living in Israel as Prime Minister Netanyahu says so well. This is a fight between good and evil, between light and darkness, between civilization and barbarism.”
U.S. Representative Mike Johnson

What does Israel’s defense in response to a terrorist attack have to do with an elderly Jewish man in California killed for holding an Israeli flag? This is madness. This is terrorism. But we will win. We always have. We are strong, resilient, and devoted, and we will not lose ourselves. We will pray for the success of the IDF. In a war Israel did not start and did not want, this is a war Israel will win.”
Debra Messing, Actress

Members of the Colorado delegation at March for Israel

“We hostage families have lived the last 39 days in slow-motion torment for 38 nights. None of us have slept the real sleep of the before. We all have third-degree burns on our souls. Our hearts are bruised and seeping with misery, but the real souls suffering are those of the hostages. Why is the world accepting that 240 human beings from almost 30 countries have been stolen and buried alive?”
Rachel Goldberg, mother of hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin

“My friends, there are defining moments in history, and this is one of them. At this moment, no one, no one can remain silent. We must raise our voices in support of the one and only Jewish state. Raise our voices against those who oppose Israel’s right to defend itself. Raise our voices when we see Jew hatred being spewed unchecked. Raise our voices loud to denounce Hamas for what it is: The barbaric, Isis-like terror organization. Raise our voices loud to bring all the hostages back home.”
Ambassador Michael Herzog, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S.

March for Israel

“October 7th confirms that cancerous Jew hatred festers on our streets and institutions. At my George Washington University, we’ve seen antisemitic hate fests, rallies, supporting murders of Israelis. Unconscionable insults projected onto our library. Our Hillel building broken into, our kidnapped posters torn from the inside, threats of violence. Our hearts remain shattered by that dark Saturday, and the hate we see today, but our spirit is unbroken. Our obstacles are opportunities for the righteous and audacious.”
Sabrina Soffer, Hillel International Content Creators Chair, George Washington University

“Today’s crowd brings together every sector of American life people of all faiths and creeds, of all races and backgrounds to say together with unity and strength, we support Israel’s fight to writ itself of the terror threat and restore safety and security to its people.”
Eric Fingerhut, President and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America