Colorado Jewish Community Stands in Solidarity with Our Asian Neighbors 

Mar 18, 2021 | Article

Colorado Jewish Community Stands in Solidarity with Our Asian Neighbors 

JEWISHcolorado, the umbrella organization of the Colorado Jewish community, and the Colorado Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), the policymaking coalition of the Colorado Jewish community, stand in solidarity with the Asian community during this trying period and stand ready to support them following the mass shooting in Atlanta that left eight people dead, including six Asian women.

“Turbulent periods like the one that our Asian neighbors are experiencing right now are unfortunately all too familiar to the Jewish community,” said Rabbi Jay Strear, JEWISHcolorado president & CEO. “What helped us navigate those periods was the community rallying around us. The Asian community needs all of us, and we are ready to offer all resources we can to support them.”

While the suspected attacker’s motive has not been established, the attack does follow more than a year of conspiracy theories placing blame for the COVID-19 pandemic with the Asian community in the United States and increased frequency of assaults targeting Asian Americans.

“Such demonization is unacceptable when used against Jews and any other minority group,” said Diana Zeff Anderson, Colorado JCRC chair. “Those who disseminate these dangerous lies are only putting more lives in danger.”