Make a Tribute for the 2023 Annual Meeting Award Recipients

Make a Tribute for the 2023 Annual Meeting Award Recipients

Thank This Year’s Award Winners for Their Dedication to the Colorado Jewish Community!


Make a tribute for these outstanding community members for their hard work this year and every year!

Lisa Mintz JEWISHcolorado 2023 Volunteer of the Year

Congratulations Lisa Mintz!

2023 Volunteer of the Year

Mazel tov to these young adults for their leadership. Your work inspires us every day!

Hirsch Neustein | Warren & Ruth Toltz Young Leadership Award

Erin Adlerstein | Charlotte B. Tucker Young Leadership Award

Carly Schlafer| Charlotte B. Tucker Young Leadership Award

Samantha Raizen Walsh | Michael Staenberg Young Jewish Agency Professional Award

Click the button below to make a tribute. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Contact us!

Reach out to Jill Katchen with questions or for assistance

with your tribute: