Courageous Leadership In Troubled Times

Dec 6, 2021 | Article

Courageous Leadership In Troubled Times

Dec 6, 2021

JEWISHcolorado has announced the creation of an educational partnership with the Shalom Hartman Institute to launch Courageous Leadership: Democracy, Pluralism and a Vibrant Jewish Community.

The initiative will bring together community leaders for intensive learning experiences over the next several months, with instruction provided by renowned educators from the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America.

Says JEWISHcolorado Chief Jewish Life and Engagement Officer Dr. Julie Lieber, “We are made stronger as a community through the bridges we build between people and organizations, through understanding each other’s perspectives, and by exchanging ideas and working towards our shared goal of making our Colorado community a magnet for Jewish life.”

The Hartman partnership will gather two cohorts of people: one of key professional and rabbinic leaders from throughout Colorado and the second, a group of lay leaders representing a variety of affiliations and involvements in Colorado’s Jewish community. JEWISHcolorado will serve as the key convener for these important conversations.

The Courageous Leadership professional cohort includes:

Rabbi Dr. Caryn Aviv, Judaism Your Way; Rabbi Joe Black and Cantor Elizabeth Sachs, Temple Emanuel;  Emily Boskoff, BBYO; Tali Brauman and Eldad Malka, IAC; Megan Burmeister, CU Hillel; Rabbi Yaakov Chaitovsky, BMHBJ; Stacey Aviva Flint, Bonai Shalom; Lily Gross, DU Hillel; Rabbi Salomon Gruenwald, HEA; Rabbi Emily Hyatt, RMRC; Rabbi Rachel Kobrin, Rodef Shalom; Mariah Kornberg, CSU Hillel; Scott Levin, ADL; Boaz Meir, JNF; Rabbi Avraham Mintz, Chabad South Metro Denver;  Rabbi Stephen Booth Nadav, Kavod; Rabbi Dani Rockoff, Denver Academy of Torah; and Dr. David Sanders, Kabbalah Experience.

The Lay Leadership Cohort includes: Diana Zeff Anderson, Elise Barish, Alyce Blum, Robin Chalecki, Josh Demby, Tal Diamant, David Fishman, Leora Joseph, Robyn Loup, Ben Lusher, Elisa Moran, Matt Most, Mark Raphaely, Lin Sunshine, and Jill Wildenberg.

Program faculty include Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein, Rabbi Joshua Ladon, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Dr. Tamara Mann Tweel. The public will also have the opportunity to join in two Community Conversation lectures with Yossi Klein Halevy and Dr. Tamara Mann Tweel (pictured below), on March 2 and May 17, respectively.