Ukraine & Russia Update: Saving Jewish Lives in 2022

Sep 29, 2022 | Article

Ukraine & Russia Update: Saving Jewish Lives in 2022

Sep 29, 2022

Dear Friends,

Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the Jewish world has closely followed the impact of the war on Ukraine’s Jewish community. We also knew there would be significant implications of the war on the Jewish community of Russia.

Antisemitic rhetoric in Russia is on the rise, and already this year, tens of thousands of Russian Jews have fled the country. Putin’s recent call for the conscription of 300,000 soldiers came with a statement calling for a “hefty contribution” on the part of the Jewish community toward the war effort. Meanwhile, Israel says it is readying for a potential “mass absorption” of people from Russia. Outbound flight prices to nearby destinations have spiked dramatically. A single ticket from Moscow to Tel Aviv reportedly increased by as much as $5,000.

We at JEWISHcolorado are reactivating our efforts to raise dollars to support our global partners working to help Jews who want to get out. With the safety of hundreds of thousands of Jews at risk, we have reopened our emergency fund.  All emergency dollars raised go directly to support of the work of our partners on the ground. Now, an anonymous donor to JEWISHcolorado will match each gift 1:2, up to $100,000 in the next 90 days. We have a goal of $300,000 by the end of 2022. As our partners rush to save lives, to reunite families, and to bring hope to fellow Jews, they need our support.

And they are working relentlessly, whether as Russian-speaking volunteers who are providing High Holy day activities, or providing food, medicine and shelter to vulnerable people in Odessa too old or ill to travel, or whisking 400 women and children to safety in a shelter in Germany, your assistance helps each and all of them.

Our Federation partners include The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), and World ORT; as well as United Hatzalah, Hillel International, Nefesh B’Nefesh, HIAS, the Israel Trauma Coalition, Hadassah Medical Organization, Chabad, Shma Yisrael, Project Kesher, JCC Krakow, Jewish Community Vienna, the Emergency Volunteer Program, Magen David Adom, Global Surgical Medical Corps, Office of the Chief Rabbi of Poland, Rescuers Without Borders and others.

We ask you to join with JEWISHcolorado in supporting the individuals and communities impacted by the war in Ukraine. It is our collective duty as a Jewish people to ensure that Ukrainian and Russian refugees who are far from their homes and who are uncertain about their futures know that we are there to help. Recall the powerful words of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: “The opposite of good is not evil; the opposite of good is indifference….  where terrible wrongs exist, some are guilty, but all are responsible.”

G’mar chatima tova. May you be sealed in the Book of Life.


Ukraine and Russia Update – Saving Jewish Lives in 2022


9-9:30 A.M. MT WITH

Daniel Elbaum,

Jewish Agency for Israel’s Head of North America and President and CEO of Jewish Agency International Development (JAID).