Stop Being Shocked: Bari Weiss Tells It Like It Is

Dec 8, 2020 | Article

Stop Being Shocked: Bari Weiss Tells It Like It Is

Many thanks to all of you who joined us on October 29, for the annual Aspen event, A Candid Conversation with Bari Weiss. Among the topics she covered were her generation’s views on Israel and the historic normalization processes with countries like Bahrain, the UAE, and Sudan. Never one to shy away from difficult issues, Bari talked about cancel culture, leaving the New York Times, and the importance of connecting with those whose opinions differ from yours. She put to rest rumors about a future in politics, while she cemented her reputation as a knowledgable and astute observer of our current political moment.

We heard from many of you after the event ended, and it was clear that both Bari’s frankness and her perceptiveness made this one of the most compelling Zoom events you’ve attended. And that’s saying something.


Once again, thank you to our generous sponsors.

Presenting Sponsor
The Goldrich Family Foundation

Premier Sponsor
Jim Aresty

Contributing Sponsors
Darlynn & Tom Fellman
Bob Jacobson
Julie & Steve Schlafer
Melanie Sturm & Marc Zachary

Supporting Sponsors
Bender West Foundation
Debbie & Jerome Epstein
The Goldsmith Foundation
Jeffrey Grinspoon & Jon Foley
JoAnn Ross & Robert Morris
Yosefa & Craig Platt
Leslie & Russell Robinson

Sustaining Sponsors
Lori Dresner & The Dresner Family Foundation
Barbara & Gary Goldstein
Thorey & Barry Goldstein
Andrea & James Gordon
Sandy & Charles Israel
Warren Lichtenstein
Esther & Craig Navias
Richie Pearlstone
Boogie Weinglass