This is a repeating eventNovember 8, 2023 1:00 am
This is a repeating eventNovember 8, 2023 1:00 am
wed01nov1:00 amKohelet and RMJHS announced the contest on the best Jewish essay
November 1, 2023 1:00 am(GMT-07:00)
Kohelet and the Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society at the University of Denver have partnered to sponsor a Jewish-related essay contest. Participate and win $250 in the process. More: https://torahispower.org/content/kohelet/contest/EveryoneHasAStory.pdf?1
Kohelet and the Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society at the University of Denver have partnered to sponsor a Jewish-related essay contest. Participate and win $250 in the process. More: https://torahispower.org/content/kohelet/contest/EveryoneHasAStory.pdf?1
Participate in Jewish essay contest and win $250